“Ebola bay” – bibliography and links

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Papers on epidemics and EVD Data

Transmission dynamics of Ebola virus disease and intervention effectiveness in Sierra Leone, Li-Qun Fang et al. Proceedings of National Academy of the Sciences USA. 2016 Apr 19; 113(16): 4488–4493. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4843458/

Epidemiology of Ebola Virus Disease in the Western Area Region of Sierra Leone, 2014–2015, Margaret Lamunu et al. Front Public Health. 2017; 5: 33. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5332373/

Demographic and population data for wards (adapted to 2014 using an yearly increase tax of 4.2%) : 

Local council ward boundary delimitation report NEC Sierra Leone, 2008. http://necsl.org/PDF/Documents/Local%20Council%20Ward%20Boundary%20Delimitation%20v1.pdf 

Demographic and population data:

2015 Population and Housing Census https://www.statistics.sl/images/StatisticsSL/Documents/final-results_-2015_population_and_housing_census.pdf

Slum population projections

Scrap Cities. Strategie e strumenti per l’automiglioramento degli slum di Freetown, F. Monica 2014 PhD thesis, Università di Parma (pdf available on request).

State of 11 coastal slums in Freetown, CODOHSAPA – FEDURP, SSDI 2011,  link

An Assessment of the Urban Conditions and Systemic Issues Contributing to Slum Development in Freetown, Sierra Leone, Michael A. O. Johnson – SLURC, 2009 – link

Cited papers:



Liberia reports:

“Ebola” di Andrea Spinelli Barrile, Slow News. https://www.slow-news.com/

Thanks to Kelvin Lewis (SLAJ president and Awoko newspaper director), Andrew Baraka, Agostine and Millicent Conteh, Lucian Sidique Kamara and Joseph Musa Kamara for their reports during the outbreak.

Images and maps are copyright of the Author.

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